How Proper Attic Insulation Can Protect Your Roof


The roof's performance doesn't depend solely on the shingles, sheets, or tiles' type and quality. The attic can be just as crucial at maintaining and supporting the roof's infrastructure. The attic's insulation and ventilation systems work in tandem to protect your roof and save some money on maintenance and climate-control in the long run.

Here's a guide to effective attic insulation:

Moisture protection

A layer of insulation is an added protective coat that protects the roof from moisture damage underneath. Depending on the house's layout, homeowners can use attics for various purposes, some of which can introduce steam and water vapor into the attic. If condensation is allowed to settle on the roof deck, it can damage the roof from the inside out. When properly insulated, the ventilation system can divert this vapor out of the attic and prevent rot and decay from creeping up on the roof over the years.

Heat control

Insulation slows down heat conduction between the house's interior and exterior. The main benefit of insulation is increasing the R-value, or heat resistance, of the house's walls and roof. This R-value is a measurement of how well the wall resists the conductive flow of heat. Most modern insulators have their R-value shown on the product or in the manuals, and building codes usually require a minimal R-value in a house, depending on the state and area.

Insulation will keep the heat from escaping from the inside during the winter months while keeping the house cool in the summer.

Attic insulation is no different from conventional wall insulation since it works in the same way.

Saving on energy bills

The attic is often the place with a thin insulation layer and is most open to the outside air. Ineffective insulation will allow the outside temperature to have a more significant effect on the internal climate.

Heating and cooling costs can amount to a considerable chunk of the monthly bills, especially during months with weather extremes. With an insulated attic, homeowners will have an easier time controlling the house's temperature and won't have to spend too much energy on heating or the AC.

Can insulation fail?

Adding insulation to an attic with insufficient sealing won't do much good. Air leaks can allow for the outside and inside air to mix, essentially defeating any insulation benefits. Sealing any cracks and leaks will already provide a noticeable improvement in air quality and reduce moisture in the attic significantly. After proper repairs, install an effective insulation layer to provide the most benefits.

If the attic space is unfinished, adding a temporary insulation layer can be more worthwhile than waiting for the construction process to complete. As long as the attic allows air from the outside, it costs you money in energy bills.

Do you need help with your attic or roof?

Applying insulation to an attic should be left to qualified professionals. A roofing company is well-equipped to deal with any roofing challenge. They will also offer advice and complete attic insulation quickly and without a mess.

Irish Roofing Company provides Scottsdale the Phoenix Valley with roof inspection, installation, sealing and repair. We offer shingle services, tile roof services, flat roof services, roof cleaning,roof inspection, roof installation, leak repair, roof recovering, roof repair, roof sealing, and wood shake services for commercial and residential customers.


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